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Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

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  • #61
    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

    I don't wear (earned) rank while skirmishing so I don't see why others feel the need too! Anyway, let's not get too heavy. I'm certainly not offended.


    • #62
      Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

      I dont either, I dont even wear any issue kit. And i also agree with the point that im not sure why other people would want to


      I really dont mind if ther people do. The same as i dont mind if they want to dress like super man but cant really fly or melt my BBs with lazers from their eye balls.

      As long as their not expected to lead me in any sort or real combat zone and like wise as long as their not sent to save me from a burning five story building.
      Check Out My Sales;


      • #63
        Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

        My complete loadout cost me not much more than £50. £40 for my black Tac vest, an £8 pair of black Primark combats, and a £3 plain black T-shirt and my old work boots that were free from my old job. I spend most of my skirmish days running through brambles and sliding on my arse into cover etc so I aint spending hundreds on gear that is going to get shredded everytime I go out. If your clothes aren't getting shredded then you aren't playing properly! (unless you are just doing CQB of course!!)

        All my spare cash (and there isn't that much!) goes on my guns.

        Not that I don't respect you guys who go for the full accurate replica loadouts, they can look awesome, I just don't have the money, time or the patience to bother.



        • #64
          Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

          Originally posted by Petrol Punk View Post
          My complete loadout cost me not much more than £50.
          Damn, I think I spent more than that on my first line.


          • #65
            Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

            Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
            I've always stayed away from unit impersonations. I could wear my reg insignia etc but even that seems, to me at least, to be inappropriate for 'softing.

            If people choose to do that then the choice is theirs and the only time I have an issue is the wearing of berets/badges that the person has no hope in hell of earning and they are acting in a way that gives the impression that they are a member of that unit. Having said that, we all know the smash are the biggest regiment in UK forces, so I'm not as bothered by people turning up in black kit etc.

            For the first time, I'm putting together a unit specific loadout which will include badges, beret etc. BUT, I've gone a long way from UK/US forces. If anyone wants to think I'm walting as Brazilian Military Police then that's their own stupid fault!
            i also wear my ols insignia and dpms i collect the guns for my kids who come with me but i do not like seeing the airboune badges and marine commando gear when they have not earned


            • #66
              Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

              Originally posted by bill1310 View Post
              i also wear my ols insignia and dpms i collect the guns for my kids who come with me but i do not like seeing the airboune badges and marine commando gear when they have not earned
              A friend of mine played once with his wings & DZ patch on as he's a former pathfinder, some fat little s**t asked him "Have you earned them then?" - not in a particularly polite way with a smarmy little grin on his chubby cheeks...
              His reaction would imply you former para's don't particularly appreciate it when people doubt your achievements lol!
              Originally posted by The Laughing Man
              Millzy I honestly only just noticed that your avatar blinks. I thought I was having a hallucination for a second..

              Anyway. Boobs.


              • #67
                Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                Guns all the way. Well done loadouts do look great but I find DPM and my black vest works for everything.


                • #68
                  Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                  Originally posted by Millzy View Post
                  A friend of mine played once with his wings & DZ patch on as he's a former pathfinder, some fat little s**t asked him "Have you earned them then?" - not in a particularly polite way with a smarmy little grin on his chubby cheeks...
                  His reaction would imply you former para's don't particularly appreciate it when people doubt your achievements lol!
                  That sounded like a really good story in the making but then you cut off what could well have been the fun bit.


                  • #69
                    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                    I play for the guns.

                    Not because I'm a COD driven manic, but I think they have a certain elegancy about them. My sister, however, thinks differently...

                    Also airsoft is a business for me. I do a lot of buying and selling, but a little of collecting too

                    Oh, and It's always nice to shoot someone :D:D


                    • #70
                      Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                      I Love airsoft . . . I love the fact that you can turn up have a laugh, when it get to serious the fun just fades away, in my opinion.

                      The whole point of airsoft like any other hobby is to go out meet new people and have a god old laugh! ! !


                      • #71
                        Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                        I enjoy both collecting camo and guns.

                        so for me airsoft is a great base from which i can expand my knowledge and collections, plus meeting people and enjoying an active hobby.

                        many people are haters out there who dont understand the mentality of airsofters. (believing that we are all gun loving, homicidal, acne covered time bombs) or "wannabes", oh wow! original point of view lol
                        in reality we are shop workers, factory workers, plumbers, students just ordinary guys and girls; who all share a hobby.

                        its more normal than some sports, naked cycling springs to mind!! :D

                        and i do say, and im sure some of you will agree, that turning up to a site and seeing someone who may have overdone it a bit with the badges, and ended up looking a bit OTT:D
                        but, each to their own, if youve got it use it.

                        and if airsoft makes you smile, or makes you happy then dont let anyone tell you different.
                        and if you want to look like a nazi zombie........then even better

                        so whatever reason you enjoy airsoft, make sure no one puts you off doing what you love.

                        anyway thats my 5 cents.



                        • #72
                          Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                          I do it for the tactical experience, like giant hide and seek, with the added joy of pain.

                          Don't get me wrong, I do have a mild gun fetish, but my collection will always be fairly tame.
                          'Smurf's Tours of Duty

                          ATR Winchester, 2 Regt AAC, 654 Sqn 4 Regt AAC, Cmd Tp, 4 Regt AAC, 216 Parachute Signals Sqn, HQ 16 Air Assualt Brigade, 668 (trg) Sqn AAC, 5 Regt (NI) AAC, JHF(NI) Operations, FSW Ops Sqn

                          Currently 1 (UK) Civ Div


                          • #73
                            Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                            I would say I enjoy the guns more than the camo purely because without them we'd by playing hide and seek.

                            I'm not one to replicate any regiment after making the mistake of once turning up somewhere with a Maroon Beret on. (Was given to me by a family member, not bought off of the bay)

                            Now I just turn up in what's comfortable with a Tottenham Velcro patch to signify I'm part of the Yid Army.

                            I have to admit though that preparing all of my kit for a Sunday skirmish is something that I really enjoy.
                            "They love it, they do, they love it"


                            • #74
                              Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                              I treat every gameday as a fashion parade
                              AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

                              G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


                              • #75
                                Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                                I dont wear unit insignia but i dont understand the snobbery that goes with it, If somebody wants to mimic certain regiments such as the green berets or the sas or para's whats the problem? airsoft is just fancy dress and toy guns after all.
                                AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

                                G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


                                About the Author


                                RPK for president. Love to airsoft whenever possible ,but Saturday school is a bitch! Find out more about RPK for president.