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Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

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  • #76
    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

    I can always remember dressing up in my dads old combat gear and running aroung the field at the back of my house . . . now i'm to old to be running around a public field with a toy gun

    . . . so i started airsofting to keep running round a field with a 'toy gun' and it be deemed as acceptable


    • #77
      Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

      Airsoft: Where dressing up is half the fun!
      Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


      • #78
        Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

        I don't do airsoft purely for the guns, or purely for the dressing up. I do it because I enjoy the experience as a whole, from picking the right loadout and kit, to going out and venting some pent up stress in a controlled, fun, structured environment, with like-minded folk.
        Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


        • #79
          Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

          Guns all the way - Lots and Lots of Guns - That scene out of the Matrix when all the racks of guns appear around is the stuff of my dreams(the clean ones - haha). Have a few different camos but I don't really care what I wear, very rarely wear a full camo set - maybe sometimes in the winter - prefer to wear a t-shirt or wicking top under the vest or a soft shell jacket if i'm sniping with no assault vest.

          Lets be honest here, it wasn't the camo which got your attention in airsoft was it?
          I am battle-tested bayonets bro,You can’t process me with a normal brain-If you borrowed my brain for five seconds,you’d be like-Dude-can’t handle it,unplug this b@st@rd!-It fires in a way that’s maybe not from,uh this terrestrial realm-Charlie Sheen


          • #80
            Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

            The guns obviously, and the fun factor. If it was looks I would be a reenactor
            Feedback link



            • #81
              Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

              Guns obviously, we wouldn't go through all the trouble of getting a defence just for the camo, you can walk into any old shop and buy camo!

              The easiest way to put this is I have 2 sets of camo's, one DPM and one ACU (The acu's were cheap as and wanted something different for urban)

              I have 9 or 10 guns. Lots of pistols (because pistols are fun) and 3 main rifles.

              This Post may contain my opinions and if you disagree with them Tough S**T!


              • #82
                Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                guns definitaly. I only wear camo with the purpose of blending into my surroundings. the balaclava is just to make me look sexy in the pictures HAHA.......


                • #83
                  Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                  Guns and the banter as smetimes its like stepping back into the naffi and bitching at each other........especially with my team who are mainly ex job as well its a right laugh
                  DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR


                  • #84
                    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                    I i had a grand to spend on airsoft items i would spend 900 on guns and the rest on BB's and gas!

                    So guns for me


                    • #85
                      Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                      I'm in it for the guns, not only as I like collecting them for their appearance, but I also like mechanical things and electronics, and AEG gearboxes fulfil the criteria. I do kinda like the gear, and I'll spend a lot of time sporting out my rigs and such for efficiency, but I won't go to extreme lengths for accuracy, though I probably wouldn't use an US helmet with British camo patterns. The actual playing part is good too though :P


                      • #86
                        Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?


                        I find running around in "civvies" with a knife alot funner than actually shooting at them!


                        • #87
                          Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                          I'd say guns over the camo, as I have black kit =P Any outfit can look good when it's covered in guns!
                          Hero to some, Villain to most.


                          • #88
                            Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                            what a surprise people prefer guns over camo


                            • #89
                              Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                              Guns by far


                              • #90
                                Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                                Personally, I do it for the guns. I've been involved in shooting of some kind since I was 10 (so for 6 years so far) and I hope to continue well into the future with an FAC. I enjoy both the shooting and the tinkering with weapons when they randomly stop working.

                                On the other hand, girls + camo = win.

                                So I can't really cast my vote.


                                About the Author


                                RPK for president. Love to airsoft whenever possible ,but Saturday school is a bitch! Find out more about RPK for president.