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Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

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  • #91
    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

    For me its all about owning my fav guns dont get me wrong Ive got camo just not spent to the same level as the armoury.


    • #92
      Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

      I airsoft so i can shoot people legally and in a fun environment :D

      If i had to choose which i preferred spending my dough on though, it'd be guns no question. I'll admit that i have gone out and bought some "Snake-Eater" camo (vietnam tiger-stripe) though, but that's only because i love Metal Gear Solid
      Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!!


      • #93
        Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

        I airsoft for the fun and I need the guns and camo to do that. My current fav thing to do is run round my woodland site with a shotgun. Obviously I need camo to get close enough and the gun to shoot them. I'm not sure about the tours of duty though. They seem a touch anal about loadouts which has put me off.


        • #94
          Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

          there needs to be a 3rd option for the enjoyment thats why i do it


          • #95
            Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

            Definitely guns for me


            • #96
              Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

              Neither. I do it for the game.

              PM me if you're selling Two Tone Stuff


              • #97
                Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                Originally posted by Higson1989 View Post
                Neither. I do it for the game.
                Must be a fun game without a gun. :p


                • #98
                  Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                  I like tinkering with airsoft weapons, but if I'm honest with myself, I'd say I'm more interested in the world of gear and equipment.

                  You rack the cocking handle on any airsoft gun (even GBBRs with steel bolt groups) and it's just rather 'meh' compared to the real thing, for me anyway. The noise the working parts make when they're let forward on the L129 is just epic.
                  REMF Tacticool - Facebook, YouTube & Instagram


                  • #99
                    Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                    Guns over camo, although i do like to have a good looking loadout.

                    Guns are fun, but even more fun when you;re running around dressed as a security guard from black mesa. Jeez it was cold today XD
                    Coventry University Airsoft Society - "Rock Up Late, Fuck Shit Up, Go Home"


                    • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                      Guns guns guns, should I say anymore?



                      • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                        Originally posted by AddictedtoBass View Post
                        Guns guns guns, should I say anymore?
                        Guns guns guns guns?
                        Buy my stuff!


                        • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                          I like both sides of the hobby. I collect historical camo uniforms anyway, and definitely get a sense of satisfaction running around in cheap eastbloc loadouts with a tatty ak. But hey I'm a bit of a history nerd so what can I say. I don't think some of the insults thrown back and forth in this thread have been necessary either- if people want to trick out their m4-whatever with £500's worth of extras in a set of atacs camo fair game to them. Fair game also to the people who turn up in an old dpm smock and joggers. As long as you enjoy the game, does it matter how anybody else chooses to enjoy theirs?
                          Signature Removed


                          • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                            Should really have a both choice in the poll


                            • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                              Definitely both. The gun's are a great side of the sport and there is so much more to having them then there is with camo. You can tweak them to your liking, take them apart change parts etc. With camo it is a bit of a fashion parade. Saying that I do like a nice bit of camo.


                              • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

                                Both. And for fun.

                                See, I enjoy turning up vaguely dressed as a member of Her majesty's armed forces. Okay I'm not one, and won't pretend to be one (outside of airsoft lol). One day, once I have a basic loadout, ill attempt a UK armed forces one.

                                I don't get the pedantics over wearing a units gear. My Dpms belong to the royal engineers. My brothers mate is a marine and he's giving some of his outdated gear to my bro as he knows we airsoft. Does that make my bro a poser? And if a marine doesn't mind a civvie wearing something that has royal marines plastered across it, surely (or at least some) marines don't care?
                                Upcoming Games:

                                Armoury: G&G GR15 Raider-L, KJW P226, Cybergun M3, TM MP5 (x2)
                                Gear: British MTP, Warrior Assault Systems RICAS, Magnum Elite II Boots


                                About the Author


                                RPK for president. Love to airsoft whenever possible ,but Saturday school is a bitch! Find out more about RPK for president.